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How to Guest Post On Blogs -Best Method

Guest post on Blogs

Many company agencies and people have websites nowadays, such people must have known about guest posts and how to do a guest post on blogs sites. But those who are new in the SEO field don’t know much about the guest post. If you also want to know about guest posts and want to know about the benefits of the guest post, read this article completely.

Many people think that after working so hard, they should prepare a post and why to post it on another’s website or blog, after all, it will benefit their blog. So for your information, let us tell you that if you do a guest post for a website or blog, your blog will benefit from it.

Guest posting on a popular blog increases the popularity of your blog, apart from this, traffic will also increase on your blog, and ranking on search engines will also increase.


What is a Guest Post?

Guest post means writing a post for someone else on his blog. For example, if you write a post on a popular blog, then the admin of that blog reviews your post and then updates it on his blog, then such a post is called a guest post. 

For your information, guest posts increase the search engine ranking of your website because search engines give great importance to guest posts. By guest posting, you also get in touch with the bloggers running big blogs, which you get the benefit of later.

Through the guest post, you can make yourself popular on any other popular blog and you can provide information about your blog in that post. If the readers like the post written by you, then they will also visit your blog, which will benefit you.


Why we must do Guest Posting on Blog sites?

There must be a question in the mind of many people that why a guest post is done, then for your information, let us tell you that guest post increases the ranking of your website. If the ranking of your block is not good, then you can get backlinks from another big blog by writing a guest post which is very beneficial in search engine optimization.

Google also gives great importance to guest posts because it gives high-quality backlinks to your blog. Backlinks play an important role in increasing ranking in search engines.

Benefits of Guest Post on Blogs site :

By writing a guest post on a popular blog, your Google search engine ranking is good, apart from this your Alexa ranking also increases. This makes your blog popular as soon as possible. Below we are going to tell you about the benefits of a guest post.

  1. High-Quality Backlinks:

When you write a guest post for a blog, you must give the URL of your blog in it, due to which you get a high-quality backlink which is useful for ranking your blog in search engines.

  1. Traffic Increases:

When you write a guest post for a blog, you give a link to your blog and information about it, due to which the number of visitors to your blog increases, and the search engine also gives more importance to your post.

  1. Branding of Blog :

If you have started a new blog then it is obvious that very few people will know about your block. In such a situation, if you write a guest post on a popular blog and give information about your blog in it, then its branding gets done well and people get to know about it well.

  1. Improves Writing Skills:

For example, if you are writing a guest post for a popular blog, then the admin first reviews it and everyone approves it. If any kind of mistakes and shortcomings are found in your content, then it is rejected and the reason for its rejection will be told to you. This lets you know what are the shortcomings in your writing.

  1. Good Relationships Build With Big Bloggers:

If you write guest posts for a big blog, then you build good relationships with big bloggers. Which can benefit you in the future and they can help you in making your blog popular.


How to find guest posting sites?

Even if your blog content is well-written, it won’t matter unless it reaches the correct audience. ‘Relevance’ is key here. Look for sites relevant to your niche. To fully utilize the power of guest posting, target websites that have a massive amount of readers daily.  There are a few ways you can find such websites.

Google Search

Search engines like google are a great way to scout for websites you want to publish to. You can use the following phrases with the ‘keyword’ relevant to your industry.

For example, if you want to write a blog about Content Marketing, just replace the “keyword” with ‘Content marketing’ + guest post.


Distinguished Guest bloggers

If you read blogs regularly, you will find names like Neil Patel, Jeff Bullas, Mark Traphagen, Tony Right, Jenny Halasz, Brian Harnish, Kevin Indig just to name a few. Look out for websites where such distinguished bloggers have guest posted upon. It’s a bonus if you know any influential blogger personally so they can make introductions for you.

✔️ ✔️ Best Affordable guest posting service 

Things to keep in mind while a guest post on Blogs websites:

While posting guest, you must keep the following things in mind:

  1. If you are writing a guest post on Blogs, then that post should not be copied from anywhere.
  2. While writing a post on a blog, first of all, check the Alexa ranking of that blog.
  3. While writing a post on a blog, first of all, check its Domain Authority and Page Authority (DA/PA).
  4. While writing the guest post, definitely put your name in it, the name of your blog, and the URL of your blog.
  5. While writing a guest post, always keep in mind that it should be of maximum words and complete information about any topic that has been given in it. Write any guest post of at least 500 words.
  6. While writing guest posts, keep in mind on-page SEO so that that post can rank higher and your blog can also benefit.
  7. While writing a guest post, keep in mind that the title and content of the topic on which you are writing the post are similar to your blog.


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